Woodville Volunteer Fire Department
Leon County Florida
“Volunteers Serving Our Community With Pride”
DAC# CH23017

Bulletin Board
Woodville Founders Day March 15th, 2025
Be Fire Aware
Remember, if you must burn, you can only burn yard debris generated on your property. You cannot burn plastics, shingles, construction debris, or any other non-natural / manmade debris.
You are not required to have a burn permit from the Florida Division of Forestry if you meet all of the following criteria:
- the pile is less than 8 feet in diameter
- you meet the required setbacks, 25 feet from forests, 50 feet from paved roads, 25 feet from your house, and 150 feet from other occupied buildings
- The fire is ignited after 8 am Central Standard Time or 9am Eastern Standard and the fire is extinguished one hour before sunset.
Did you know that escaped debris burning is one of the leading causes of wildfires in Florida? If you must burn, then burn responsibly.